
Today I want to talk how grateful I am but actually I should post this yesterday but couldn't make it cause a lil bit busy :)  As everyone knows,  UPU degree result was released yeaterday. I am a part of it I mean part of feeling nerves or part of person who was attacked by butterflies which I guess a very-very massive amount of butterfliessss in mine. Alhamdulillah it went so well as I want it to be. I'm so afraid of disappointment. I've been so many times but not this time. I am so full of hope. Kekecewaan tu happens when we feeling hopeful and expecting much right? But Alhamdulillah,I've got what I was hopin' for - Dentistry. I am accepted as 1 over 35 student that is succeed in continuing their study at Faculty of Dentisy USIM. I am so glad so grateful that I can't even expressed my feeling at all ! Finally, it feels worth spending a year of not-becoming-myself to get this result. Woah, what is that mean??

A year before (after SPM), I was able to continue my study at Tamhidi of Dentistry USIM. I went there I learn new things, new pattern of life, new friends, new environment, new teacher and oh you name it too much new things happen to me ! But, fortunately I wasn't culture shocked that much as USIM is as far as I concern that it is more likely to my former school. Why I choose USIM ? Firstly, because my dad asked me to hehe . No, not he forced me into but I was still young and dumb at that time(filling up UPU) so I know nothing about IPTA/IPTS so I just filled them up samberono (with my daddy's guide of course). I went there with full of hope that I will be able to continue in Dentistry too for my bachelor. Not many knows that, out of 70+ students , they only take 35 to be accepted for their faculty. Isn't it mean ? It's a fake hope. But, try to look at positive side. They actually want to pick the most 'berkelayakan' person out of all so that they can produce the best dentist. I succeed completing the first and second semester Alhamdulillah. And so for yesterday, yes I make it! Rezeki Allah bagi. I cried in my heart. Finally what I was hoping for have been achieved.

Nobody know how much I pray day and night asking for Him to fulfill my wish. Setiap kali ada peluang doa, I make du'a. Mana-mana time yg org kata mustajab berdoa time tu la aku tadah tangan doa mintak dgn Allah what I want. Ramadhan haritu, ak doa banyak-banyak. Like a lot I couldn't tell. Sebelum nk berbuka puasa tu, doa time tu sngt mustajab.  Allah Maha Mendengar, Allah Maha Berkuasa. Ask for him every single thing you want, He will reply in every way surely the best for you. And now Alhamdulillah, time bulan Syawal tu Allah dah makbulkan one of my du'a which I called it miracle has happen to me. There's miracle, bc there is Allah. Believe Him. Bila berdoa tu, yakinlah Allah akan makbulkan. Don't just wish and hope but believe ! Trust me, doa adalah senjata paling berharga utk kita umat Islam. No matter how hopeless it seems no matter how much you think I will never happen, but when you pray ask for His help, everything is possible. Ingat, kuasa Allah tkde siapa boleh lawan. He will make impossible, possible . Dua drpd do'a-do'a that I ask for have been fulfilled Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah for all His blessings. Back to topic, yes I pray so hard for this. I even sometimes cry begging on how much I want to be into this faculty. Finally dapat jgk. I hope, I can make it there. Allah, please ease my next journey of becoming a dentist ameen.

Maybe that's all for today. I talk too much haha lol I'm sorry. Will be continue soon !
 Never underestimate the power of du'a
Queen offline x

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